Friday, October 10, 2008

Hard Labour....

It was really messed up for the Jewish prisoners, their life had no meaning left. They suffered the hardest and the worst labour, being innocent. More than 6 million Jews and 5 million non Jews were executed and the largest amount was murdered at Auschwitz (largest concentration camp). Seeing all the pictures of them being tortured really touched my heart. How can man behave so in-humanly, they behaved like animals, in fact worst, even animals don't kill there own race. It seemed that God gave them no sentiments, no feelings and they felt no pain in seeing blood or killing people. They just used them for there experiments.

One man's meal package was to be shared by two prisoners. They had triple bunks with corn shuck mattresses, so jam packed and had no room to adjust. They slept close to each other and shared body heat to survive the cold weather with a paper thin blanket. The prisoners were locked the whole night and had to use wooden boxes provided for latrines which leaked or overflowed. their condition were so miserable and unhygienic. They could only dream of heaven because they were already in hell.

once on a very cold day they were lined up with machine guns behind there back, and were to stand bare footed on the snow for the whole day. Some of them collapsed, finally they got to know that the purpose was that the Germans wanted to know who hacked the head of the cook with meat cleaver. The Germans probably had fun in doing this to the prisoners because of one person all were  punished for something they didn't even know about.

They were forced to dig there own graves, there organs were removed. A mass of grave dug for more than 1000 prisoners and there bodies were dumped and left to rot. Naked women would b standing with there infants in hand, lined for being executed. There lives were full of sufferings and sorrows.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I knew that jews were kicked out by the germans, but i never knew ameicans never accepted them either. Actually americans were inscure about them cumming to their country.What the jews went through, depicts the cruelty of our world and how humans are brought up being insecure amongst themselves.

I read the course novel, and i felt very bad for the poor little kids that were thrown in the fire and burnt alive, innoscent little children, who knew nothing about the world and were punished for reasons that were not clear to them. they were not allowed in public places, some of them had never even seen a theater, sign bords read "no pets or Jews allowed".