Tuesday, May 13, 2008

मेरा पहेला एक्स्पेरिएंस... My first experience

This was my first experience volunteering and i must say it was very beautiful experience. I loved the members of the Carol's kitchen they were very warm welcoming people. They treated all the people who came out there as Kings and Queens. they told us to attend to their need at once when called. I noticed at Carol's kitchen people socialise alot. People who don't get to meet their friends they sit here and chat for a nice long time and they also made new friends at carol's kitchen. The crew was very friendly and did not make me notice it was my first time but i was really nervous. I had to clean the tables after everyone had eaten and i was taking orders from them to get them what they want. The only requirement for the guest is that they are hungry and carol's kitchen policy was that on one is turned away. At the end i was packing all the table cloths and puttin all the flowers back in the box which were on the table for decoration. I have promised my self one thing that i defiantly will go again to Carol's kitchen to volunteer.

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